Freitag 28. März 2025

Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of Franz Jaegerstaetter‘s death in Austria, Germany and London

Memorial Services in St. Radegund and Tarsdorf in Upper Austria, in Berlin, In Brandenburg / Havel and in London for the commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of Franz Jaegerstaetter’s death o­n August 9 in 2013.

Commemoration of the 69th Anniversary of Franz Jaegerstaetter‘s death in Austria

Every year o­n August 9 the small parish of St. Radegund and Pax Christi Austria organise the commemoration day for Franz Jaegerstaetter, a native farmer of St. Radegund, who during Nazi reign refused to fight in the German Wehrmacht and, consequently, was executed in Brandenburg/Havel o­n August 9, 1943.

Book: Franz Jägerstätter – Christian and Martyr

Franz Jägerstätter – Christian and Martyr
with original handwritten excerpts from his letters and notes
Published by the Bishop’s Secretariat of the
Diocese of Linz, Austria

New Exibition about Franz Jägerstätter

The German Resistance Memorial Center Berlin shows a new exhibition about Franz Jägerstätter.

New: Franz Jagerstatter - Letters and Writings from Prison

These writings, including the correspondence between Franz and his wife Franziska and a series of reflections written in prison, represent the first complete English translation of his writings.

Commemoration plans of Franz Jägerstätter on 21 May 2009

Commemoration plans of Franz Jägerstätter o­n 21 May 2009 in Linz and Gmunden.

Jägerstätter - Song

"Du rufst mich" - the Jägerstätter song written 1989. 

Catholic Church Upperaustria
Herrenstraße 19
4020 Linz
Phone: +43 732 7610-1170
Katholische Kirche in Oberösterreich
Diözese Linz

Fachbereich Kommunikation
Herrenstraße 19
Postfach 251
4021 Linz