Sonntag 30. Juni 2024

Blessed Franz Jägerstätter: Celebration of Beatification in the Maria-Empfängnis-Cathedral in Linz

"We comply with the request [...] that Franz Jägerstätter, martyr and family father, from now o­n can be invoked as Blessed Franz Jägerstätter." 

These words of Pope Benedict XVI. were read out officially o­n October 26th 2007 by the prefect of the congragation for beatification and santification processes Cardinal José Saraiva Martins in italien language at the celebration of the beatification in the Maria-Empfängnis-Cathedral in Linz.


Many people contributed to the celebration, who have a special relationship to Blessed Franz Jägerstätter. After the official words 94 year old Franziska Jägerstätter, widow of Franz, handed over a relic of the urn of Franz Jägerstätter to the Diocesan Bishop of Linz Dr. Ludwig Schwarz.

The moment, when Franziska Jägerstätter kissed the relic before handing it over, was especially emotional.
Bishop Schwarz explained in his homily that Franz Jägerstätter is keeping o­ne question in our minds till today: "Is it aggreeable to God what i am doing!".

Cardinal José Saraiva Martins emphasized in his greeting at the end of the divine service: "I am especially glad that today i may enlist a married layperson and family father into the official registry of the Blessed. In a time like ours the testimonial of Blessed Franz, his unbroken bravery and his imperturbable strong consequence is a shining example." Before the blessing he asked for protection of Blessed Franz and issued the apostolic blessing of the Holy Father.


More than 5000 Christians from all over the world celebrated the beatification. Franziska Jägerstätter, the four daughters of Franz, about 60 family members, 27 Bishops and Cardinals from Austria and foreign countries, representatives of the association of catholic laypersons, of Pax Christi International, of ecumenism, of Austrian an Upper Austrian Catholic Church, of public life, of the Austrian Federal Armed Forces and of Kameradschaftsbund attended the ceremony.


At the end of the celebration Franziska Jägerstätter and her family were surrounded by hundreds of celebrants. In addition countless Christians surged to the relic in front of the altar to worship Franz Jägerstätter.


Saturday, 27th October 2007 there will be a night of praying from 8pm to 12pm in the parish church of Ostermiething.


The Diocese of Linz and the parish of St. Radegund cordially invite to the First Eucharist Service in remembrance of the newly beatified Franz Jägerstätter at St. Radegund o­n Sunday 28th October 2007 at 10.00 a.m., in the Parish Church.

Catholic Church Upperaustria
Herrenstraße 19
4020 Linz
Phone: +43 732 7610-1170
Katholische Kirche in Oberösterreich
Diözese Linz

Fachbereich Kommunikation
Herrenstraße 19
Postfach 251
4021 Linz