Tuesday 25. March 2025
Portrait von Franz Jägerstätter. © Erna Putz/ Kommunikationsbüro der Diözese Linz.

Franz Jägerstätter Memorial Service with Pax Christi England & Wales

Around 50 Pax Christi members and friends met online to mark the execution of Austrian Catholic farmer and conscientious objector, Franz Jägerstätter.

Jagerstatter Commemoration in St. Radegund on August 9, 2020

Jagerstatter Commemoration in St. Radegund on August 9, 2020

Due to the Corona-related restrictions, this year's Jagerstatter memorial in St. Radegund only took place for one day. The memorial service with Bishop Manfred Scheuer was celebrated outdoors.


International Jagerstatter-Commemoration 2019: Resistance also lives from Memory

The central idea at the international Jagerstatter commemoration in St. Radegund and Tarsdorf on August 8 and 9, 2019 was: "Provocateurs of Remembrance" such as Blessed Franz Jagerstatter and Blessed Restituta Kafka.

Stilles Gedenken beim Grab von Franz und Franziska Jägerstätter

International Jagerstatter-Commemoration 2019

Join us for this year's International Jagerstatter-Commemoration on the 8th and 9th of august 2019, in St. Radegund and Tarsdorf, Upper Austria.

The 'Sheen Center for Thought & Culture' produced a short Youtube video about Franz Jägerstätter.

Blessed Among Us: Blessed Franz Jägerstätter

The "Sheen Center for Thought & Culture" produced a short Youtube video about Franz Jägerstätter. It is based on the book "Bessed Among Us: Holy Witnesses Day by Day" by Robert Ellsberg.

Programm International Jaegerstaetter Commemoration 2018

75th anniversary of Franz Jägerstätter's execution. August 8/9, 2018 in St. Radegund.

Foundation Ceremony Research Institute Franz and Franziska Jagerstatter

Foundation Ceremony Research Institute Franz and Franziska Jagerstatter

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the beatification of Franz Jagerstatter the Research Institute Franz and Franziska Jagerstatter was established at the Catholic Private University of Linz, Austria, and promulgated by Magnus Cancellarius Bishop Dr. Manfred Scheuer on 25 October 2017.

Catholic Church Upperaustria
Herrenstraße 19
4020 Linz
Phone: +43 732 7610-1170
Katholische Kirche in Oberösterreich
Diözese Linz

Fachbereich Kommunikation
Herrenstraße 19
Postfach 251
4021 Linz