Christkindl a special place?

We smile at the idea that God, like us humans, has a preference for certain places; there he is particularly close to us and can help particularly effectively. We believe in the omnipresence of God.
We reject the idea that God's grace can be prayed down from us, and that the more we pray, the sooner God will grant us his help. After all, we believe in God's unconditional love for us.
But is it enough for us to know these beliefs ?
Don't we need the experience of God's love and presence?
Therefore, must there not be places in our lives where this experience is given to us: Places where we set out to leave behind our everyday life with its duties and habits; places that appeal to all our senses and therefore touch our minds; places that make us open to the encounter with God.
Mag.a Johanna M. Eisner