The mechanical crib

In the centre stands the Holy Family with shepherds. A line with the story of our salvation, beginning with Adam and Eve, then figures from the Old Testament, followed by Jesus with his disciples and finally historical figures, wends its way beneath the crib. The Three Wise Men are portrayed, as is the flight to Egypt. Original scenes from life at home and in the Middle East round off the lower end of the crib.
Dear people listen carefully,
I want to tell you something - it leaves me no peace.
The story of a master locksmith, a resourceful man,
who has created a work of art that only few people can do.
KARL KLAUDA was his name, he came to us from Bohemia,
he wanted to take something special from his homeland.
The idea for a movable crib was always in his mind,
and that is what he has built, for all of us a gain!
The mouth remains open when standing in front of the masterpiece,
what kind of hit lard belongs to it, that it all stirs and all goes.
On bicycle chains the figures travel through the biblical land,
which he built from cork oak with his own hands.
Is something special, the carving from lime wood,
3 hundred figures he has worked with much diligence and pride.
There are soldiers and horsemen, camel and a mill,
he gives angels and shepherds and Schaferl quite a lot.
The holy 3 kings arrive and a bell is rung,
and on the flight from Egypt many people pass by.
In the crib itself everything comes to life,
the figures are shining, head and hands are moving.
And the Christ Child gives his blessing to the people,
People, you have to see this,
something like this has never been blessed before.
The people then pass by the child,
and then one of them goes with him and falls on you in no time.
Walter Schmid is the man of merit,
For 50 years he has done a lot for the crib.
He repaired, disassembled and rebuilt it until late at night,
with love and patience spent many hours.
At the bottom of the crib the Kauda has last,
in the niches the hard-working craftsmen gsetzt.
And from templates of the Blümelhuber looked off,
At the age of 80 he still carved and built the beautiful frame.
This unique Kripperl - at Advent time many people delighted,
that's why you should look at it, that's what I say to you people!
Ferry Jakob