The organ
The organ of the year 1975 was extended to two manuals with 17 sounding stops by the firm Ludwig EISENBARTH, Passau, in 1985.
The case is still from the earlier organ from 1908 (by Mathias Mauracher, prospect design by Josef Harter, Steyr, executed by Ludwig Linzinger, Linz).
1. Manual main movement |
Prinzipal 8' Coppel 8' Octave 4' Reed flute 4' Fifth 2 2/3' Mixture 4f. 2' Prelude 2' |
2. Manual upper movement |
Copula 8' Salizional 8' Wooden flute 4' Principal 2' Sesquialtera 2f. 2 2/3' Cymbal 2f. 1' Zartregal 8' Manual coupler 2 - 1 |
Pedal |
Subbass 16' Piffaro 4' + 2' Prelude 4' Octave bass 8' Trombone 8' Pedal coupler 2 Pedal coupler 1 |