Loreto Chapel

All Loreto chapels go back to this house in Loreto (near Ancona on the east coast of Italy).
Built according to the designs and under the direction of the Steyr cabinetmaker Johann Jaunisch; inaugurated by Franz Josef Rudigier, Bishop in Linz on 29.6.1876; Probably the youngest Loreto chapel in Central Europe.
Magnificent neo-Gothic altar; in the center the typical Loreto Madonna with the Child Jesus - wrapped in the "Dalmatica"; accompanying figures: St. Joseph and St. Anne; the walls recall the bricks of the Holy House, a frieze separates them from the blue sky with golden stars.
1979: roof and tower
1998 - 2000: Exterior and interior restoration
2001: three zinc plate paintings by Math. Grölser, 1878
Not yet restored: various votive pictures
Our Loreto Chapel has been available again for prayer and for placing the sacrificial candles since October 26, 2000.
Many thanks to all benefactors with the request for further help.